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ETH/BTC Exchange Rate

1h 24h 7d 14d 30d 1y
Market Cap  USD
24h Vol (Global)  USD
Circulating Supply  ETH
Current date
ETH/BTC Price Chart

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Explore the Ethereum/Bitcoin live chart. With this interactive tool, you can review the price of ETH/BTC, analyze rate trends in real time, track the ETH/BTC pair exchange rate in historic terms, and build your trading strategy to trade ETH/BTC with leverage on SterlingFXT.

Trading conditions

Commission 0.05%
Min. order size 0.01 ETH
Min. order size change 0.01 ETH
Max. single trade size 400 ETH
Max. exposure 2000000 USD
Max leverage 0.5% (1:200)
Financing day / Long 0.1028% Daily Funding Rate
Financing day / Short 0.1028% Daily Funding Rate
Trading hours 24/7

Margin requirements

SterlingFXT allows to trade on margin. This means that you are able to leverage your investment by opening positions of larger size than the funds you have to deposit. Margin requirements vary from instrument to instrument and can be changed at any time to reflect market conditions.

From To Margin requirements Leverage
0 5 0.5% 1:200
5 25 1% 1:100
25 50 2% 1:50
50 > 5% 1:20
Commission 0.05%
Min. order size 0.01 ETH
Min. order size change 0.01 ETH
Max. single trade size 400 ETH
Max. exposure 2000000 USD
Max leverage 1% (1:100)
Financing day / Long 0.1028% Daily Funding Rate
Financing day / Short 0.1028% Daily Funding Rate
Trading hours 24/7

Margin requirements

SterlingFXT allows to trade on margin. This means that you are able to leverage your investment by opening positions of larger size than the funds you have to deposit. Margin requirements vary from instrument to instrument and can be changed at any time to reflect market conditions.

From To Margin requirements Leverage
0 10 1% 1:100
10 25 2% 1:50
25 50 10% 1:10
50 > 20% 1:5

Ethereum-Bitcoin (ETH/BTC)

Because it is made up of the most popular cryptocurrencies, ETH to BTC, or Ethereum to Bitcoin, is a popular currency pair. This enables the creation of trading strategies that are primarily based on crypto market factors. The ETH/BTC price can move in a trending direction or make a range-bound fluctuation depending on the time frame. In addition, the ETH to BTC exchange rate experiences price swings from time to time, as well as breakouts and breakdowns. Within a 30-day period, the Ethereum to BTC pair can fluctuate by more than 5%. Depending on what's going on in the crypto market, the daily price change between Ethereum and Bitcoin can reach 10%. A trading pair, such as ETH/BTC, is a function that represents two currencies that can be traded on an exchange for each other. The trading pair BTC/INR, for example, is used when you buy Bitcoin with rupees. It can be summed up as the price difference between two currencies. Simply put, it's the amount of BTC needed to purchase one ETH.

Currency Information


Etereum is the original smart contract platform that lets decentralized apps be built on top of it that are fueled by the token, ETH.


Bitcoin is the largest, and most popular, cryptocurrency in the market today. It was created in 2009 and has spawned the entire crypto market that is seen today.

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